Carter’s Peace Deal
During his presidency, President Jimmy Carter was instrumental in negotiating one of the most momentous peace agreements in the history of the Middle East. A peace deal was signed under extraordinary circumstances by Menachem Begin, the former president of Israel, and Anwar Sadat, the former president of Egypt, on July 14, 1979. As a result of the deal, Israel received back the Sinai Peninsula, which it had captured during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, and Egypt officially recognized Israel’s right to exist for the first time. Both political parties shared the Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded in December.

Carters Peace Deal
Bill Clinton – 159
William Jefferson Clinton was elected President of the United States on November 4, 1993, and he served two terms, from 1993 to 2001, as the country’s 44th president. While he was president, the United States experienced the longest period of economic expansion experienced by any president in the history of the country. A White House reporter, Helen Thomas, had this to say about him: “He has brought about the greatest prosperity our country has ever known, and he does not receive credit for it, which is unfortunate.” With a 60 percent popularity rating, Clinton had the highest approval rating of any president since World War II. Clinton has an IQ of 159, which places him as the fifth-smartest President in the history of the United States of America.

Bill Clinton