You May Not Know This About Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman Costume

Published on 02/25/2022

Keeping A Couple Of Costumes

When you play a role that is as well-known as yours, it’s only reasonable to want to take a few mementos from the set with you. Lynda Carter is not an exception to the rule in this situation. In 2016, the actress discussed the situation with Fox News. “I happen to have one of the costumes from the [first season’s] ’40s [era] and one of the costumes from the updated version,” she revealed. “Somewhere in a closet, they’re falling apart,” says the author.

Keeping A Couple Of Costumes

Keeping A Couple Of Costumes


She Is Willing To Donate Them

Upon the release of Wonder Woman in theaters in 2017, Lynda Carter encouraged the new actress to do the same thing she had done. The actress, on the other hand, is considering taking the memento out of her closet. The Baltimore Sun asked her if she planned to give her outfit to a museum during an interview, and she said she did not. “If they can assist me in restoring one of them, I will certainly allow them to display it,” she stated. Aside from the actual costume, she also carried a few of the accessories with her as she fled. “For many years, Wonder Woman fans have inquired as to whether or not you still have the bracelets,” she wrote on Instagram in 2020. Yes, it is correct. It is true that I have the bracelets, and wearing them still makes me feel horrible about myself.”

She Is Willing To Donate Them

She Is Willing To Donate Them