You May Not Know This About Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman Costume

Published on 02/25/2022

Why Did Wonder Woman Wear A Helmet?

An additional item in Wonder Woman’s closet was a “stunt suit.” When the character was required to ride a motorcycle, this technique was used. Despite the fact that Diana was virtually invincible, the set included goggles and a helmet. What a bizarre situation! However, there was a valid justification for doing so in this case. As you can see, they were aware that youngsters were tuning in to the show. It would be unacceptable if she did not serve as a positive role model for them.

Why Wonder Woman Wore A Helmet

Why Did Wonder Woman Wear A Helmet?


She Has To Be A Role Model

Children’s safety organizations have been campaigning for characters in movies and television shows to wear protective gear for a long time. This would, perhaps, inspire the younger viewers to follow in their footsteps. That is why Diana is always cautious when she is behind the wheel of a vehicle, whether on two wheels or four. Not only that, but she also skateboards while wearing a helmet and arm protectors. What an interesting entertaining information.

She Has To Be A Role Model

She Has To Be A Role Model