Hilarious Notes Left On Windshields – Funny Neighbors That Will Make Your Day

Published on 04/20/2023

An Action Movie Star

In the photo shown below, you’d be able to see a white car that is parked perpendicular to the path where people were supposed to walk on – the car blocked the path. Of course, that made an inconvenience to some people. Because of that, someone thought of making a note to finally address his issues to the driver and make him get his car away from this spot. In the note, he sarcastically said how he felt like an action star by always running over the hood of the car.

An Action Movie Star

An Action Movie Star



The Grumpy Cat

This one is another calm type of revenge plan. Look at how the cat was drawn in the picture – even though it was supposed to be threatening, the whole note looked cute because you can imagine the cute cat really saying that with a lovely tone. Nonetheless, this is still an effective way of addressing an issue to a driver because with this, the possibilities are high that the driver’s attention would be caught, and instead of being angry for feeling embarrassed, he/she would truly recognize the mistake.

The Grumpy Cat

The Grumpy Cat