Exciting IQ Facts About U.S Presidents That Most Of You Didn’t Know

Published on 10/03/2021

Kennedy’s Assassination

On November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy, and it was a day that brought the entire world to its feet. When the presidential procession moved through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on October 22, 1963, the photographer snapped this shot. It was taken during the presidential inauguration on that day.

Kennedys Assassination

Kennedy’s Assassination


James Madison – 160

Our next historical character is another founding father, this time from the American Revolution. During his four-year term as president, James Madison was elected by the people of the United States, and he served in that position from 1809 to 1817. In many circles, he was known to as “the Father of the Constitution,” and he was admired for his ability to govern under tough conditions. After graduating with honors from college in only two years, he went on to become the first graduate student at Princeton University, where he remains today. While in command of the country during the War of 1812, he also helped to establish the National Bank of the United States and significantly improve both military and government capacities throughout his tenure in office. The First Lady of the United States, Dolly, also performed brilliantly in her duty. She served as a role model for young women in the country at the time of her death. Along with the well-known redecoration of the White House, she was also responsible for other public outreach efforts for orphans and other vulnerable children, including the White House Christmas Tree. At 160 points above average, he ranks second all-time among Presidents of the United States, according to IQ test results.

James Madison

James Madison