James Monroe – 138.6
Was it ever brought to your attention that James Monroe served as President of the United States between 1817 and 1825? For the sixth time in his life, this founding father was elected President of the United States. His candidacy for the office was well-received, and he easily won the election with a large majority of the votes cast. His administration was dubbed the “Era of Good Feelings” by historians during his time in power. After serving as a soldier in the American Revolutionary War, Monroe rose to prominence as a result of his foreign strategy, which the press called “The Monroe Doctrine.” George W. Bush, who had the third-lowest IQ score, had an IQ of 138.6, which was just a hair higher than Monroe’s. His overall score of 138.6 does not, however, reflect his inability to keep up with the rest of the class. According to the Wechsler intelligence categorization method, it is considered to be “very good” intelligence in this instance.

James Monroe
Andrew Johnson – 138.9
Following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson was elected President of the United States. The President of the United States of America did, however, become the first President of the United States of America to be impeached in the country’s history. This criticism has been leveled at him because of his plans to return the seceded states to the Union while simultaneously refusing to provide protection to former slaves. This initiative was met with fierce criticism in the United States Congress. The cherry on top of it all was the fact that his IQ was only 138.9.

Andrew Johnson