What Has Happened To The Famous Octomom, And Where Is She Now?

Published on 05/12/2021

Dire Situation

To Nadya’s dismay, nothing could persuade her landlord to change his mind, which meant she and her 14 children would have to leave! Despite her negative media image, as depicted in caricatures, Nadya Suleman had always been a loving mother to her children, and she insisted that this was the real her. But, on the other hand, she lacked the financial means to keep herself and her children off the streets. As a result, when Nadya realized she needed money quickly, she tried her hand at the movie industry, some businesses, and even the music industry.

Dire Situation

Dire Situation


Starting Anew

All of that media attention took its toll on Nadya’s wellbeing. When she realized what was happening, she gave up everything and started anew. She deliberately distanced herself from the stereotypes that had been created about her. As she wanted to be a better mother and lead a happier life, she started a new life. At first, she only went by the name Natalie and now works part-time as a family therapist.

Starting Anew

Starting Anew