20+ Actors Who, In Real Life, Are Formidable Martial Artists

Published on 09/20/2022 This article appeared in Dailysportx and has been published here with permission.

Naomi Watts

You’d think Naomi Watts, who played the scared Rachel in The Ring, was all sweetness. That is not the case for this modest performer, who has been studying martial arts since she was a child. Yes, after competing in amateur judo competitions in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Watts moved on to learn Brazilian jiujitsu, which she still does today.

Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts

Wesley Snipes

Wesley Snipes is an all-around legend, but combine him with martial arts and you’ve got the real deal. The Blade actor is skilled in two martial arts: Shotokan karate and Brazilian jiujitsu. Meanwhile, the Independent asked him in 2010 if he had ever had to utilize his abilities in a real-life encounter, to which he replied cryptically, “It ended very quickly.” The lesson to be learned here is don’t mess with Blade.

Wesley Snipes

Wesley Snipes