Few media figures are as fiery as the belligerent rapper Ice-T. He may be found practicing jiujitsu techniques in his spare time when he isn’t playing the imposing detective Fin Tutuola on Law & Order: SVU or fronting the violent heavy metal band Body Count. Don’t annoy the iceman.

Ice T
Robert Downey Jr.
Few stories are as uplifting as Robert Downey Jr.’s comeback to Hollywood. While his difficulties with addiction are well-documented, few people are aware that the martial art of Wing Chun played a significant role in his recovery. The actor was trained by the fighting style’s originator, Eric Oram, and credits it for his lifestyle shift. Downey Jr. was so moved that he told Oprah, “Martial has just been… I can’t tell you how much it has affected my capacity to stay healthy and focused.”

Robert Downey Jr.