You May Not Know This About Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman Costume

Published on 02/25/2022

She Performed Her Own Stunts In The Costume

As Wonder Woman’s co-writer, Lynda Carter was also an aspiring daredevil in her own time. Do you require proof? When the character was forced to hang from a chopper, the scene was quite dramatic. You’d expect Epper to be the one to take care of things like this. However, they were unable to shoot this scene without it becoming evident that she was a stunt double. Carter was able to do the task on her own. According to reports, the producers were enraged!

She Did Her Own Stunts In The Getup

She Performed Her Own Stunts In The Costume


How She Almost Died On Set

There was also a time when she had a near-death experience while working on the set of the series. Lynda Carter revealed to Johnny Carson in 1976 that she had to jump over a car for a certain scene in one of her films. They had wires strung between her and the car, but she underestimated the distance and crashed into the vehicle itself. “You have to keep in mind that this was an era when they were just barely allowing people to know that there were doubles,” Epper explained in a 2005 interview with NPR’s Morning Edition. “For many, many, many years, all of the actors and actresses claimed that they performed their own stunt work,” she continued. This was somewhat accurate in the case of the main actress.

How She Nearly Died On The Set

How She Almost Died On Set