You May Not Know This About Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman Costume

Published on 02/25/2022

She Does Not Find It Inherently Sexual

Wonder Woman was named Honorary Ambassador to the United Nations by the organization in 2016. This revelation did not sit well with some people, who would like to see a genuine woman on the screen rather than a fictional persona. That was not the only criticism leveled at it by those who disagreed with it. There was also the issue of her sexual proclivities to consider. People thought she was too sexual to be a role model, which made Carter enraged, and she took it personally. “You hear all this nonsense about costumes, like ‘Oh, it’s exploitative and blah, blah, blah.'” Please give me a break. The sock in the pants of Superman couldn’t possibly have been anything else,” she told Entertainment Weekly in a recent interview.

She Does Not Find It Inherently Sexual

She Does Not Find It Inherently Sexual


It Is The Female Body

After telling her detractors to “get over it,” she went on to say, “That’s a woman’s body. Get over it.” We are all of these things. As such, we’ve always been that, but we’re also every other shape, color, and size imaginable. That [what we look like] is not our concern; that is, rather, yours. I identify as a woman. This is how I appear to be. I’m intelligent, and I’m this and that, and I’m everything in between. The menace that women pose to me is incomprehensible to me.” What a brilliant observation!

It Is The Female Body

It Is The Female Body