Hilarious Notes Left On Windshields – Funny Neighbors That Will Make Your Day

Published on 04/20/2023

We can all agree that most of us hate reckless driving on the road. But the worst employment are still the mind-numbingly awful parking jobs. The worst drivers are the ones who can’t park well. However, we advise leaving a beautifully painted note with an angry message or some advice for the owner of the car rather than stealing someone’s car in order to get revenge. They’ll be the most irritated by it. That is the purest type of retribution there is. With this, we’ve put together a list of some of the funniest windshield notes we could find online. We laughed out loud while reading some of the letters and felt apprehensive while reading others. If you want to see what we’re talking about, keep reading below.

Caps Lock To Emphasize It

When you get a letter written in all caps, you can tell how angry the person is with you. But in this instance, things were different. The letter below is written entirely in capital letters, which is the first thing you’ll notice about it. This only serves to highlight how furious this guy is over the car that is parked in the middle of the footpath. In addition, the message’s sender said that the opportunity to slide across the car’s hood was a nice one.

Caps Lock Makes Everything Intense

Caps Lock To Emphasize It


Don’t Hate Your Neighbor

This driver received a letter from a kind neighbor. You’ll notice that the note begins positively as you read it. It was even written in a very formal tone with that salutation. You’ll nevertheless believe that the note was intended to be ironic.

Love, Your Neighbor

Don’t Hate Your Neighbor