Gandalf Takes the Final Say
This student believed they had taken the easy way out by plagiarizing someone else’s work. It was a clumsy attempt at cheating that was quickly thwarted by a teacher’s acute eye and their ally, Gandalf, the master plagiarism detector. Finally, their efforts shown that being dishonest never pays dividends. The student discovered that working individually is the best method. This is a life lesson in general. This teacher’s experience demonstrates that taking the correct steps and having the right tools pays off. This is our message to the 54% of students who admitted to plagiarizing from the Internet, according to the LibGuides website.

Gandalf Takes The Final Say
Spoiler Alert for Spoiled Kiddos
Even in the fantasy world, knowledge is a valuable thing. College students are familiar with this topic, which can lead to an interesting discussion. A teacher from a Belgian school had the upper hand because they read the full book that inspired the “Game of Thrones” series. They can use their insider knowledge of forthcoming events, particularly character deaths, to keep the classroom in order. Nobody wants to know what happens next in a show or book series, especially one as large as those inspired by author George R.R. Martin’s literary works. As a result, such a method is extremely effective.

Spoiler Alert For Spoiled Kiddos