Puff Adder
Even if you call it what you want, Puff Adder or Bitis Arietans, this snake is terrifying. It is not only terrifying, but it is also responsible for the majority of African snake fatalities. The Puff Adder, which can be found in the African savannah and grasslands, has a wide distribution and contains a potent venom that is produced in large quantities due to its long fangs.

Puff Adder
Indian Cobra
That’s right. We’re talking about “snake charmers” here. Even though I’m not sure what it is about one of India’s most active biting snakes, that appeals to me. A bite can cause paralysis, shortness of breath, or even a heart attack, which can happen in as little as 15 minutes or as long as two hours after the bite.

Indian Cobra