Slimy, slithery, and potentially deadly. We could be talking about various things, but in this case, we’re talking about one of the world’s most dangerous animals: snakes. Consider it for a moment. Snakes are found in over 3,000 different species all over the world. Only about 400 of the 3,000 are particularly venomous, and even fewer of those 400 are lethal to humans. If you’re not Steve Irwin, how do you know which snakes are dangerous? We’ve put together a list like that for you, but don’t be surprised if you get the heebie-jeebies.
Saw Scaled Viper
Let’s start by saying that health insurance will not help you if a saw-scaled viper bites you. These nocturnal and lightning-fast vipers are typically found in India, China, and Asia. Furthermore, if you get it bit by bit, you’ll notice it right away. Moreover, the bite will swell, and you will begin to bleed from your mouth as your blood pressure drops and your heart rate slows. That sounds like hell, doesn’t it? It is, and to make matters worse, you could die in as little as a day without treatment, or you could be in excruciating pain for up to two weeks. Sadly, our health insurance doesn’t cover this.

Saw Scaled Viper
Black Mamba
The Black Mamba is responsible for countless deaths across Africa, and it is also known for its incredible striking capacity and toxicity density. It’s also worth noting that they can bite up to 12 times in a row, and each bite contains a large amount of lethal neurotoxins. How could it possibly get any worse? They can also inject enough venom into their victim to kill them 25 times over with just a single bite. If left untreated, a Black Mamba bite is nearly 100 percent fatal; death can occur in as little as 15 minutes.

Black Mamba