Tom Selleck And His Personal Life

Published on 07/02/2021

At times, all that comes to mind when listening to Tom Selleck is that mustache. Do you recognize the names Thomas Magnum, Jesse Stone, or Richard Burke? Naturally, they do! They were all portrayed by one of Hollywood’s greatest actors to date: the venerable Tom Selleck! It’s past time we paid tribute to this incredible and multi-talented actor, as well as shared some images of him sporting his iconic mustache. However, we’d like to delve into some lesser-known facts about Tom Selleck and his personal life. What many fans are unaware of is that this artist is more than his acting ability and proclivity for growing an admirable mustache. True, Tom has appeared in over 50 films and commercials, and also a Broadway performance. Nonetheless, the man is more than his role. Continue reading to learn more about this talented actor’s life away from the screen!

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The Selleck family originated in Detroit, the same city that produced contemporary actors David Spade and Kristen Bell. Tom’s family relocated to California when he was a child, where his father worked in real estate and his mother stayed at home as a housewife. The family was well-known in the neighborhood for their disciplined nature, strong family values, and work ethic. It’s unsurprising that Tom continues to espouse these virtues to this day. He applied these same values to his own parenting style, and when describing his mother as a parent, he stated, “She’s always been there and always been very fair — even when she said, ‘Wait until your father gets home,’ which was usually for a good reason.” Regrettably, his mother died last year.

