The Winner Was Revealed
The citizens of Tulsa City were eager to learn who had won despite their sadness. Adults present in 1957 were more enthusiastic than children because they saw the capsule being buried and then dug up. Raymond Humbertson came out on top. In 2007, he predicted that there would be about 384,743 residents in Tulsa. Raymond passed away in 1979, which was a great loss. His centenarian sister was the natural recipient of the award.

The Winner Was Revealed
The Fate of Miss Belvedere Is Unknown
Tulsans, once again, couldn’t wait to find out what would happen next. Could Miss Belvedere be brought back to her 1957 condition? Or would they be forced to abandon her?
Ultra One was tasked with fixing the vehicle. This business was tasked with servicing Miss Belvedere and removing any rust she may have encountered. A generous benefactor provided the necessary funding in the form of about €17,940.

The Fate Of Miss Belvedere Is Unknown