Kitchen Floor
In the kitchen, there was a floor hatch that existed. When the real estate agent took them on a tour of the house, she had not noticed it previous to that point. Perhaps it was due to the fact that there was a table placed on top of it. On the other hand, she noticed that it was secured with a lock and bolts. After showing it to James, they devised a strategy to attempt to open it in order to see what was hidden beneath the kitchen floor.

Kitchen Floor
Another Mystery
Mandy saw that there was something hidden behind an antique cupboard that had been left behind by the previous owner during their time there. There was no denying that it made Scout feel uneasy, as seen by his snarling. A real estate agent stated that the home belonged to an elderly woman who did not have any offspring to whom she could pass the place on. Despite the fact that the antique cupboard was not unattractive, Mandy came to the conclusion that it need a new coat of varnish. She discovered a peculiar discovery after she moved the cabinet slightly and then moved it again.

Another Mystery