Warriors Of Genghis Khan Had To Follow A Set Of Rules

Published on 05/18/2022

18. You Need To Stand Up When You Talk

Remember when your teachers summoned you to a reading assignment before class? That was awful, okay? So, if they want to talk about it in the lodge, Freemasons must go through it again. Members are not permitted to simply remain sitting, as this would be considered disrespectful to the Master of Worship.

18. You Need To Stand Up When You Talk

18. You Need To Stand Up When You Talk


17. Secrets Should Remain As Secrets

The Freemasons are a well-known secret group that wishes to remain so. So what if members discuss certain lodge procedures? Penalties can be harsh at times. And if you don’t want to risk being booted out of the lodge – or worse – keep quiet.

17. Secrets Should Remain As Secrets

17. Secrets Should Remain As Secrets