Warriors Of Genghis Khan Had To Follow A Set Of Rules

Published on 05/18/2022

The Best Tactic

Genghis Khan might envelop an enemy force in this fashion. This method could be used with a pre-planned getaway. As a result, whenever the enemy moved in pursuit, the Mongolians were able to strike from the sides and back. The retreating Mongols might then turn around and attack the forward lines. Genghis Khan utilized similar methods to regularly defeat superior-number army formations.

The Best Tactic

The Best Tactic


#7. Win sieges with engineering

Afortified City gave Genghis Khan with a completely new battlefield challenge. If an adversary had enough supplies in its castle, he might remain hidden behind rising fights for a longer period of time. Genghis Khan could not feel safe in the land he invaded till such a stronghold was defeated. So, what exactly did he do? What exactly is the big deal?

#7. Win Sieges With Engineering

#7. Win Sieges With Engineering