Warriors Of Genghis Khan Had To Follow A Set Of Rules

Published on 05/18/2022

Genghis Khan’s Mongol warriors built one of the world’s greatest empires, but it was not without sacrifice. The warlord, you see, was not frightened of committing atrocities. Indeed, this tyrant imposed stringent norms and standards on his men’s behavior both on and off the battlefield. Many laws have been established, some of which are incredibly difficult for humans to understand. But, of course, rules are rules, and they must be followed at all times, no matter how stupid they are. And, as you can assume, anyone who ventured to challenge him suffered severe repercussions… So here’s how one of his insurgents actually behaved.

18+ Wild Rules That Genghis Khan's Warrior Had To Live By

Warriors Of Genghis Khan Had To Follow A Set Of Rules


#20. Keeping Genghis Khan’s Tomb A Secret

On a summer day in 1227, Genghis Khan died. You’d assume the great man – remember, he was the monarch of everything he surveyed – would be buried in a magnificent and prominent mausoleum. But reality was a long way off. In reality, the emperor was intended to demand the exact opposite.

#20. Keeping Genghis Khan's Tomb A Secret

#20. Keeping Genghis Khan’s Tomb A Secret