Avoiding Melted Ice-Cream Disasters
Children are, by their very nature, a sloppy bunch of creatures to be in the same space with. The opposite is true when it comes to ice cream; you should be prepared for anything that might come your way. Forget about the fact that after consuming this dish, everything becomes exceedingly sticky to the touch. That something you already have in your kitchen may be used to solve any problem you may encounter isn’t it wonderful? Next time you want to have some ice cream, don’t forget to bring out the tin foil! A barrier made of tin foil should be utilized to prevent the hands from coming into contact with the cone. No melting ice cream should end up on the floor or your clothes, since the material will collect any ice cream that does fall on them.

Avoiding Melted Ice Cream Disasters
How To Keep Bananas Fresher
Was it ever dawn on you that, in addition to the fact that bananas are among our favorite fruits for a variety of reasons, they are also the only fruits that are plagued by insect infestations? They have a high rate of reaction due to the fact that they contain a large number of reacting chemicals as compared to the rest of the fruit world. Prevent further deterioration by wrapping it with aluminum foil. Interested in prolonging the pleasure you get from your fruits a little more than usual? A small amount of tin foil wrapped over the top of the stem will help to slow down the process a little bit more.

How to Keep Bananas Fresher