Getting A Lot Of Attention
It’s no surprise that this attracted suitors. Elizabeth was courted by some of Europe’s most powerful men after her coronation. Her subjects were teased by her about the possibility of such a connection, but she never pursued it. The so-called Virgin Queen, on the other hand, surrounded herself with gorgeous men, an act that has spawned a slew of legends about her.

Getting A Lot Of Attention
Perfect Appearance
Throughout it all, Elizabeth kept her appearance spotless. “Elizabeth’s contemporaries believed that beauty amplified female power, and so they regarded the queen’s splendor as confirmation of her claim to the throne,” British historian Dr. Anna Whitelock told the BBC in 2015. The queen’s success was determined by her ability to keep a charming appearance. In her later years, she went to considerable lengths to persuade the country of her attractiveness.

Perfect Appearance