Why Cats Don’t Pay Attention to You
Cats are intelligent creatures, but they are also incredibly stubborn. When you call a dog’s name, he will come running up to you, however when you call a cat’s name, they will most likely ignore you completely. This is not because they don’t recognize their name. It’s just because they don’t want to go to you. They like to express affection on their own terms and will come say hello to you whenever they feel like it.

Why Cats Don’t Pay Attention to You
How Cats Find Comfort
When kittens are born, they press against their mother’s mammary glands while consuming milk. This causes the mother to create more so they can continue drinking. This instinct is retained by the cat even after it has grown into an adult. Adult cats frequently associate the soft regions of your body with the comforts of their mother, so they knead these areas with their paws. Experts generally assume that people do this when they are happy or when they want to relieve stress.

How Cats Find Comfort