Here Are Some Cat Behaviors That Might Surprise You

Published on 12/10/2024

How Cats Warn You There is a Problem

In the wild, cats automatically hide their droppings so that predators cannot detect their scent. They also do this in their litter box, which is convenient because it saves you from having to. However, if your cat stops doing this, it may indicate a problem. The issue could be as simple as the litter box, or it could be that your cat is agitated or anxious. They may even be trying to alert you of a health issue.

How Cats Warn You There Is A Problem

How Cats Warn You There Is A Problem


How Cats Warn You They Are Agitated

Cats communicate not just with their eyes, but also with their ears. If they start twitching back and forth, you should back away since your cat is most likely agitated. If your cat points its ears forward, it is probably content. This means you can approach your cat as usual. If they are pointing rearward or flat against their head, your cat is likely agitated or defensive. If you want to know what your cat’s mood is, always look at their ears.

How Cats Warn You They Are Agitated

How Cats Warn You They Are Agitated