Why Your Cat Likes Knocking Things Off The Table
If you own a cat, we’d be ready to wager money that it stretched out its paw unexpectedly and knocked over your cup from the table. You’ve probably seen your cat throw wine, water, or a steaming cup of coffee on the ground. Experts believe this behavior is a means for cats to practice hunting. In the wild, cats like to play with their prey before catching it. However, cats are extremely interested and easily bored. They could simply be trying to catch your attention.

Why Your Cat Likes Knocking Things Off The Table
Watch Where Your Cat Litters
Cats are clean animals that normally do their business in a litter box and then cover it up. If they litter outside the box, it indicates that there is a problem. Hopefully, this simply implies your cat dislikes the litter box or its placement. Before you panic, consider relocating the box to another section of the house. If nothing changes, it’s time to take your cat to the veterinarian, as there could be an underlying health issue.

Watch Where Your Cat Litters