Why Your Cat Purrs
Surprisingly, purring is one of the cat noises that experts understand less than any other. We’ve all learned to assume that purring indicates that your cat is happy and calm. Purring is a method of communication for your kitty friend. It does not always imply that they are calm; in fact, it can signify the reverse. Purring helps them relax when they are agitated because the vibrations comfort them. This is also why, when your cat curls up on you and purrs, your troubles begin to fade away quickly.

Why Your Cat Purrs
When Your Cat Follows You To The Bathroom
Cats, despite their self-proclaimed independence, may exhibit some surprisingly needy behavior. For example, they may follow you into the bathroom when you intend to do your business alone. Experts are unsure why cats do this, but they assume it is for comfort. Cats can feel vulnerable without their owners, therefore they may want to stay near by. Other experts believe individuals are simply curious and want to know what goes on behind closed doors.

When Your Cat Follows You To The Bathroom