Here Are Some Cat Behaviors That Might Surprise You

Published on 12/10/2024 This article appeared in Gloriousa and has been published here with permission.

Cats Can Sense That Someone’s Dying

While there is no scientific evidence that cats can anticipate death, there are a few intriguing instances. Take Oscar, a therapy cat that made headlines in 2007 for cuddling up next to patients hours before they died. So, are cats sense approaching death or simply looking for a warm, quiet slumber spot? Cats have a fantastic sense of smell and are highly sensitive to changes in their surroundings, which may explain their behavior. Whether or if they possess this strange sixth sense, one thing is certain: their presence is calming and provides emotional support. Furthermore, you may notice that your cat gives you more attention when you are stressed or ill, particularly by licking you.

Cats Can Sense That Someone's Dying

Cats Can Sense That Someone’s Dying

Pocket-Sized Feline Friends

Some cat breeds, such as the Maine Coon, can grow to be larger than you would think. However, there are some breeds that are truly little, with delightfully petite proportions. Breeds such as the Singapura, Munchkin, and Cornish Rex are recognized for their tiny stature, ranging anywhere between 4 and 8 pounds. Take this small furball, for example, which is only the size of two sauce packages! These little kitties are ideal for anyone who enjoys cuddling with a pocket-sized buddy. Despite their little stature, they frequently possess large personalities.

Pocket Sized Feline Friends

Pocket Sized Feline Friends