Toyota Corolla
If we are writing about reliable and robust cars then the Toyota Corolla is definitely an authority on the matter. The models from around 1989 might just be one of the most robust cars ever created, and it may have something to do with its excellent engine selection. It really does not matter if you choose the American, European, or JMD version, as they will all be worth the money. Uber drivers adore this car!

Toyota Corolla
Honda Pilot
Just a quick look at the market and you will see for yourself that not all luxurious SUVs are worth the money in terms of reliability and durability. Thankfully, the Honda Pilot does not fall into that category, there are even first-generation Pilots that are still demonstrating impressive mileage, and Honda has promised that the new version will be just as reliable, so we just have to wait and see if that promise checks out.

Honda Pilot