30+ Prohibited foods in different countries

Published on 10/11/2024

dairy products containing rBGH

Prohibited in: Canada, European Union, Japan, Australia, New Zealand
Reason: Increased risk of cancer

It is highly likely that dairy products in the United States contain chemicals that may be toxic to humans and should be avoided unless the label states that they are free of rBGH. American dairy producers have used the growth hormone rBGH to increase the amount of milk their cows produce. Many countries, including Canada, have banned the import and sale of products containing rBGH because the growth hormone poses an additional cancer risk.

RBGH Haltige Molkereiprodukte

Dairy products containing rBGH


Sea bass

Prohibited in: Most countries
Reason: Deleted population

Before 1977, there was little information about the Chilean seabass because, frankly, it didn’t exist at all. No, the fish had changed its name to Patagonian toothfish and had not just appeared out of nowhere. The more attractive name made the delicately succulent deep-sea fish an instant hit both at home and abroad. The Chilean sea bass has become an endangered species due to overfishing. As a result, many countries, including the US, have banned the import and sale of sea bass that do not have the required documentation proving that they come from one of the approved fisheries.


Sea bass