The world truly revolves around finance, money specifically. We work to earn, and earn to live! Unfortunately, it seems that money seems to fly out as quickly as it flies in these days. Our bank balances look rather pleasant for a hot second, until we need to pay for our mortgages, rent, bills, food- among other monthly expenses. We just can’t seem to make those pennies stretch that far. Well… at least this was the case before you clicked onto this article! Luckily for you, we have compiled a list of the greatest life hacks that you just won’t be able to live without after reading! Save those pennies, make that savings account grow every month- you certainly won’t regret it. So continue on and prepare to be amazed with some simple, effortless changes to your daily spending!

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Scanning Grocery Receipts For Cash-Back
This one may take a little research, but there are many apps out there that will give you cashback if you scan your receipt on them! These apps include Ibotta and Checkout 51, which will give you instant cashback on grocery purchases. Simply scan the receipt after you leave the store. By doing this method you could save at least $5 a week without changing your spending at all; it only takes a few minutes.
Prescription Drugs At Costco
Sometimes paying for a prescription can really dig deep into our pockets, especially if it’s medicine that you take regularly. Save significant spending by going to stores like Costco or Sam’s club. They have great prices on prescription drugs and you don’t even need to have membership at these stores to purchase them. Save significantly without paying for a membership and watch that bank balance stay higher at the end of each month.
Printer Ink
Ink just seems to be used up so quickly doesn’t it? It feels like just after you’ve replaced a cartridge that you’re already seeing a ‘low ink’ message in the corner of your screen. Usually, the issue is the black ink too. Here is a quick hack for you that might just save you replacing it so often. If you see a message saying that your black ink cartridge is empty, change the text color to dark blue. This will give you a few more prints before you really need to replace it- great for emergencies.
Shop Using Gift Cards
This one is a real money-saver. Many online retailers, or even stores, sell gift cards with a higher value than their price. For example a gift-card for a fashion store may have a value of $25 but be on sale for $20. This is an instant $5 saving. If you can do this with numerous stores, imagine the savings! Absurd, right?
Carry Cash
This one depends on a person’s nature, but can be quite effective in action. Research has shown that if you carry cash in larger amounts (say $50s or $100s) you are less likely to make an impulsive purchase. This is because a person is less likely to break into a large note for something small. Whereas if you use a credit card, you will happily spend small amounts at a time. An interesting one worth trying in our opinion.
Skip Rental-Car Insurance
This may not be a regular occurrence, but occasionally we find ourselves needing to rent a car. Whether it is for a long drive, on vacation- it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that we can often find ourselves forking out huge amounts just on insurance. Well stop that right now! Maybe. Often many credit card companies and private auto insurance polices provide coverage on renting a car; even when it’s for personal use rather than business. This may not be a guarantee, but definitely worth a look before purchasing additional coverage.
Don’t Use A Shopping Cart
Often we will walk into a store with the sole intention to buy just a couple of things. However, after seeing all the deals and items we weren’t even thinking about, often you will come out with way more items than you needed, having spent a whole lot more. This trick is a simple, yet effective one. If you enter a store without a cart, you can only purchase what you can carry. This will only ensure that you don’t overspend and buy impulsively.